If you have a problem that requires sending your data to us, please fill out and submit the form below. Please note that large data sets (larger than 200MB) have to be uploaded via the ftp server or sent on CD. Remember to compress the data before uploading.
All requests must be authorized by the Primary Licensee (PI).
This form is a place to request data processing support, but you can also submit a bug report using the following form. Before submitting a bug report, please ensure that the problem is not already known:
- Have you checked the Frequently Asked Questions?
- Have you checked the HKL on-line documentation (HKL-2000, HKL, HKL-3000)
- Do you use the newest software release?
Please do not send us a request for data processing support or a bug report as a regular e-mail. Remember that you will not receive a reply if you do not use the following form.
* denotes required fields. Red-boxed areas are particularly helpful and should be double-checked before submission.