Release 721 of the HKL suite is available

Release 721 introduces many new features to both HKL-2000 & HKL-3000:

  • Support for the Bruker Photon III M28 detector format (please note that these detectors are often shipped with a Metaljet system, which uses Ga Ka radiation)
  • Support for the HyPix-6000HE modified format [785 x 813 pixels].
  • Support for the PAD4M format using the new Oxford frame format.
  • For MicroED Users: this release allows the processing of data collected with the Thermo Fisher Scientific CETA-D Micro ED detector.
  • The distribution includes the program “rename_frames” (in the bin directory). This can be useful in cases where the name template does not match the convention expected by HKL-2000/HKL-3000.
  • An internal editor was added - it is now the default editor [see Options tab ->Text editor, also nano editor was added as an option.
  • The warning: "Old HKL (XDisp, Denzo, etc.) program versions" was updated; it also has a 'Do not show again" option

Additionally, the new release includes a number of new features exclusive to HKL-3000:

  • Support for CCP4 7.1 
  • Support for ACHESYM, a standard position model placing program 
  • A new validation bar chart for map cc (RSCC)
  • Auto phasing was improved
  • The model report was updated