News archive

New version HKL-2000 705 for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms has been released.

The main changes in v705 are the following:

  • - Scaling Only mode was added - data can be scaled without entering detector information
  • - the sigma cutoff on the Index page was divided into a separate cutoff for indexing and for refinement
  • - MAR345 header read procedure was corrected
  • - ADSC header read procedure was updated
  • - the Keep Current Values button on the Index page was changed to a check box so values of selected variables remain the same when the check box is selected

New version HKL-2000 704y for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms has been released.

In this version the blind region procedure has been corrected and some minor bug fixes are incorporated as well.  

Additionally,  release 704y allows users to process data from the neutron protein crystal diffractometer at FRM II, Technical University of Munich.

New version HKL-2000 704x for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms has been released.

This version now supports the new SPring-8 BL32XU MX225HS (Rayonix) detector. Other enhancements include reading beam position from the frame header for selected formats, providing an updated display of scaling statistics, and an updated integration plot.

New version HKL-2000 704w for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms has been released. Now with increased scalepack limits.

Version 0.98.703x for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms has been released.

New version of HKL-2000 package (v. 0.98.701) has been released for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms.

Version 0.98.700l1 for Linux and Mac OS X (Intel) platforms has been released.
